
Similar to most product manufacturers, printing houses produce waste, harmful to the environment and those nearby.


Specifically, the waste is known as volatile organic compounds, or VOC's. Rectifying this problematic reality is only about half the scope of the "printing green" ideology.


Another issue "printing green" is working to address is tree and energy conservation. To put it into perspective, the paper and printing industry is fourth among manufacturers in how much energy is used. In response, some certified green printers monitor how much energy is required to keep running, which allows us to plan more energy efficient printing schedules.


In order to conserve trees, "Printing green" recommends purchasing paper from only certified forests. This ensures us that the paper comes from well maintained forests which comply with strict environmental standards.


All of this is relevant information because even in this electronic age, hard copy printed materials are still the most effective way to communicate with the consumers.


We have three logos at the bottom of our page. They are different companies we work with that are helping us stay green and help the environment. You can click on their logos to go to their websites and learn more about them.

we offer full eco-friendly green printing services.